Jin Suga J-Hope RM Jimin V Jung Kook All(其他)
MIC Drop (Steve Aoki Remix)
Yeah 누가 내 수저 더럽대
Yeah 是誰說我的湯匙髒(*沒背景)
I don't care 마이크 잡음 금수저 여럿 패
I don't care 只要我握住麥克風 連金湯匙都接連打敗
버럭해 잘 못 익은 것들 스테끼 여러 개
讓你氣得跳腳 將沒熟透的東西當做牛排幾塊
거듭해서 씹어줄게 스타의 저녁에
去反复咀嚼 這就是明星的晚餐
World business 핵심 섭외 1순위 매진
World business 核心 邀約第1名 一售而空
많지 않지 이 class 가칠 만끽
不多見吧 盡情享受這class的價值
좋은 향기에 악췬 반칙
對美好的香氣來說 惡臭就是犯規
Mic mic bungee
Mic mic bungee
Bright light 전진
Bright light 前進
망할 거 같았겠지만 I'm fine sorry
雖然好像要完蛋 I'm fine sorry
미안해 Billboard 미안해 Worldwide
對不起 Billboard 對不起 Worldwide
아들이 넘 잘나가서 미안해 엄마 대신해줘 니가 못한 효도
兒子太火了 對不起 媽媽 我來代勞 你未盡的孝道
우리 콘서트 절대 없어 포도
I do it I do it 넌 맛없는 라따뚜이
I do it I do it 你是食之無味的蔬菜雜燴
혹 배가 아프다면 고소해
如果你嫉妒 乾脆提起訴訟
Sue it
Did you see my bag
Did you see my bag
It's hella trophies and it's hella thick
What you think bout that?
What you think bout that?
I bet it got my haters hella sick
Come and follow me follow me with your signs up
I'm so firin' firin' boy your time's up
Keep on and runnin' and runnin' until I catch up
How you dare
How you dare
How you dare
Another trophy My hands carry 'em
Too many that I can't even count 'em
Mic drop
Mic drop
발 발 조심 너네 말 말 조심
腳 腳 要小心 你們要說話謹慎
Somebody stop me I'm bouta pop off
Too busy you know my body ain't enuff
Mic drop
Mic drop
발 발 조심 너네 말 말 조심
腳 腳 要小心 你們要說話謹慎
Baby, watch your mouth It come back around
Once upon a time
We learnt how to fly
Go look at your mirror Same damn clothes
You know how I feel 개행복
You know how I feel 我超幸福的
How many hours do we fly
I keep on dreamin' on the cloud
Yeah I'm on the mountain
Yeah I'm on the bay
Everyday we vibin'
MIC Drop Baam
Did you see my bag
Did you see my bag
It's hella trophies and it's hella thick
What you think bout that?
What you think bout that?
I bet it got my haters hella sick
Come and follow me follow me with your signs up
I'm so firin' firin' boy your time's up
Keep on and runnin' and runnin' until I catch up
How you dare
How you dare
How you dare
Another trophy My hands carry 'em
Too many that I can't even count 'em
Mic drop
Mic drop
발 발 조심 너네 말 말 조심
腳 腳 要小心 你們要說話謹慎
Somebody stop me I'm bouta pop off
Too busy you know my body ain't enuff
Mic drop
Mic drop
발 발 조심 너네 말 말 조심
腳 腳 要小心 你們要說話謹慎
Haters gon' hate
Players gon' play
Live a life man
Good luck
더 볼 일 없어 마지막 인사야
沒必要再見了 這是最後的道別
할 말도 없어 사과도 하지 마
也沒什麼話好說 道歉也不必了
더 볼 일 없어 마지막 인사야
沒必要再見了 這是最後的道別
할 말도 없어 사과도 하지 마
也沒什麼話好說 道歉也不必了
잘 봐 넌 그 꼴 나지
好好看看吧 你的那副德行
우린 탁 쏴 마치 콜라지
我們啪一下猛地射出 就像可樂一樣
너의 각막 깜짝 놀라지
꽤 꽤 폼나지 포 포 폼나지
超 超 超有範兒 範 範 範兒極了